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Minimalism is really popular at the moment. More and more people are coming to realise that owning a lot of stuff is not necessarily the most important thing in life, and actually owning less can be great for our mental health and even better for the planet.

There was a time when minimalism was all about stark white interiors or reducing your belongings to only the very essential, but these days, the concept has expanded to encompass a range of things, including makeup.

The trend for minimalist makeup is huge right now, and not only can it improve your look and enhance your natural beauty, but it can also save you money because, once you embrace the concept of minimal makeup, you won’t need to buy quite so much!

Sound good? Want to embrace the minimalist makeup trend for yourself? Here’s how to get started:

Minimalising your makeup 

Before you can start investing in your minimalist makeup kit or trying out the various techniques, you will want to first get rid of any existing makeup you don’t need. Below are a few simple tips that will help you to get rid of the excess so that you can start anew with new stuff and a new way of doing your makeup:

  • Start by looking at the expiry dates on everything in your makeup kit. If it went out of date more than a month ago, get rid of it.
  • Next, think about the makeup that you haven’t used in the last 6 months to a year. Will you really ever use it? If not, get rid of that too.
  • Now, think about the basics you always use and make a note of them so you can be sure to keep them in your new beauty regime.

Now, let’s take a look at some tips to help you rock the minimalist makeup look…

1. A good base is essential

When you’re switching to a minimalist makeup regime, you need to think about the products that will have the biggest impact so that you don’t have to use lots of extras in order to achieve your desired look whatever that may be. 

A good base fits the bill well because it will smooth out your skin and turn it into the perfect medium for your foundation, which means you will probably be able to get away with using less overall.

That’s why you should invest in the best base you can afford and always start your minimalist makeup routine with it. Yes, it might take you a bit of time and experimentation to find the base that works best with your skin type, but when you find it, make it a key part of your daily makeup routine.

2. Choose a long-lasting foundation

Long-lasting foundations are great because once you’ve applied your makeup for the day, you don’t need to worry about touching it up again and again. That also means that you won’t have to keep buying quite so much of it, which will be good news for your bank balance.

3. Mix foundation with moisturiser

To make your foundation go even further, and minimise the amount you need to use, try mixing it 50/50 with your daily moisturiser. You’ll kill two birds with one stone, slim down your daily makeup routine and it will feel lighter on your skin! If a 50/50 mix doesn’t work for you, keep experimenting until you find the perfect ratio – it shouldn’t take you too long to find the right mix that leaves you looking great without using too much foundation.

4. Invest in multi-use makeup

There are various makeup products, like Benefit Benetint, which can be used to perform various functions. For example, Benetint can be used on cheeks, lips and eyelids, and this means that you do not need to buy so many different products, while still ensuring you can get the look you are going for. 

5. Groom your eyebrows

The great thing about well-groomed eyebrows is that they will instantly lift your face and make you look younger, especially if they are on the full end of the spectrum. So, by taking time to pluck or wax your eyebrows, and maybe use a pencil to fill them in have them looking much fuller (but remember to keep it natural) you can more easily get away with wearing very little makeup elsewhere. Try it and you’ll be stunned by how much grooming your brows a little better can do for your appearance. 

6. Tint your lashes

Tinting your lashes means that you can forgo the mascara completely, which not only means one less product used, but also one less thing that you need to do in the morning – it’s basically minimalism at its finest. If you do occasionally want to have a thicker look for your lashes, a good clear mascara is in keeping with the minimalist makeup trend if you really need it.

7. Try a tinted lip balm

If you want to ensure your lips look good, but you want to keep your look minimal, then a tinted lip balm is ideal. Again, it will kill two birds with one stone by both moisturising your lips and adding a pop of colour to them, and it will give you the colour you want without overdoing it and not looking quite as minimalist as you would like!

8. Use your fingers

Instead of having loads of makeup brushes, sponges and lord knows what else cluttering up your dressing table and confusing you when the time comes to choose which one to use, why not go back to basics and use your fingers instead? Your fingers are often the perfect medium for applying concealer or getting your eyeshadow just right, and with a little practice, there is no reason why you could not ditch the makeup tools almost completely. Think of the money and space you will save! 

9. Use tinted moisturiser

Minimalism is about giving up the non-esential. And for many of us, foundation is not actually essential. If your skin is in pretty good condition, you can do without it, or if you do not want to do that, you could use a tinted moisturiser instead. Tinted moisturiser is great because it means you don’t have to worry with the extra step of moisturising before putting your foundation on, and it helps top hide any minor flaws you may have. As if that wasn’t enough, it will also enable your skin to breathe more effectively which means you are less likely to suffer from breakouts in the future, thus lowering your need to wear foundation even more as time goes on. Just make sure you choose a really good tinted moisturiser that is long-lasting to get the most for your money.

Go makeup-free

Of course, the ultimate in minimalist makeup is to wear no makeup at all. Most of us, as long as we cleanse, tone and moisturise daily, exfoliate regularly and groom our brows, will look absolutely fine without makeup, and it’s just a matter of being confident enough to throw away the foundation and leave the lipstick behind!

The minimalist makeup trend is here to stay, so why not embrace it and enjoy the many benefits of a simpler routine and makeup style for yourself? It might not be for everyone, but unless you give it a go, you’ll never know, and who knows – it might just change your life.